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Experienced Counsel for Companies that Need to Defend Their IP Rights in Florida

Defending a company’s exclusive rights is a key aspect of effectively managing a valuable intellectual property portfolio. Taking swift action to defend a company’s IP rights can often substantially mitigate the costs involved, and, in some cases, it can be critical for avoiding loss of exclusivity. If your company needs a Florida IP defense lawyer, we can help, and we encourage you to contact us promptly so that we can take appropriate legal action as soon as possible.

We have extensive experience in all areas of IP defense. We help companies protect their exclusive IP rights in the U.S. and abroad, and we provide representation for informal settlement negotiations, mediation and arbitration, litigation, and administrative proceedings involving the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and other governmental entities. Regardless of the specific steps that are necessary to defend your company’s intellectual property, we have the knowledge, resources and capabilities required to help your company avoid losing its exclusive rights.

About Our IP Defense Representation

Helping companies protect their intellectual property isn’t just what we do—it’s all we do. Along with providing portfolio management and other transactional IP services, we also provide comprehensive defense representation for all IP-related matters. This includes providing representation for:


In many cases, negotiating a resolution without initiating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings or litigation will be in the best interests of all parties involved. If we can help you defend your company’s exclusive IP rights without taking formal action, we will do so.


Mediation can be an effective tool when the parties to a dispute share a mutual interest in avoiding litigation but need help coming to terms. Pursuing mediation is also mandatory in some cases, including cases involving contracts with mandatory arbitration clauses and disputes under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). Courts in the U.S. and abroad also require parties to attempt mediation before going to trial. Whatever the case may be, if mediation offers an opportunity to defend your company’s IP without the added cost and uncertainty of trial, we will rely on our insights and experience to target a favorable resolution.


Arbitration may also be required by contract, and in some cases, parties to IP-related disputes will agree to submit their disputes to arbitration rather than going to court. Arbitration presents both unique challenges and unique opportunities and experienced legal representation is critical for securing a favorable outcome and avoiding an appeal.

IP Litigation

Intellectual property litigation is our bread and butter. We help companies defend all types of IP rights in litigation—and, while much of our practice involves representing clients in Florida, we also help our clients defend their IP rights throughout the United States and around the world.

Registration-Related Matters

We also help our clients defend their intellectual property rights in registration-related matters. This includes patent and trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings in the United States and similar patent, trademark and design proceedings abroad. If your company is facing an opposition or cancellation proceeding before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), or any other agency anywhere in the world, a Florida IP defense lawyer at Lott & Fischer can help.

FAQs: Defending Your Company’s Intellectual Property

When Do I Need to Take Action to Defend My Company’s Intellectual Property?

Companies must take action to defend their intellectual property in various scenarios. From third-party infringement to allegations of infringement against the company, and from opposition filings to cancellation requests, we help companies protect their exclusive IP rights in a wide range of circumstances.

What Are the Risks of Failing to Defend a Company’s Intellectual Property?

The risks of failing to defend a company’s intellectual property rights are substantial. Without adequate defense, IP rights can be lost—potentially squandering millions (if not tens or hundreds of millions) of dollars in investment, brand value or goodwill.

How Do I Choose IP Defense Counsel?

When choosing IP defense counsel, relevant experience is far and away the most important factor. At Lott & Fischer, we have decades of experience defending our clients’ IP rights in the U.S. and abroad, and we rely on this experience to formulate and execute efficient and effective defense strategies.

Schedule a Call with a Florida IP Defense Lawyer at Lott & Fischer

If you would like to know more about our intellectual property defense practice, we invite you to get in touch. Please call 305-448-7089 or contact us online to schedule a call with a Florida IP defense lawyer at Lott & Fischer today.